
forthcoming Disagreement about Taste, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Disagreement (with I. Stojanovic)

forthcoming Entailed Conversational Implicatures, Synthese

2024 On Proper Presupposition, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 108/2, pp 338-359

2023 On Deniability, Mind, 132/526, pp 372-401 (with A. Dinges)

2022 Agentive Duality Reconsidered, Philosophical Studies, 179, pp 3771-3789 (with A. Loets)

2021 Conventional Evaluativity, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 101/2, pp 440-454

2021 Variations on Anderson Conditionals, Theoretical Linguistics, 47/3-4, pp 297-311

2021 Taste, Traits, and Tendencies, Philosophical Studies, 78/4, pp 1183-1206 (with A. Dinges).

2021 Much at Stake in Knowledge, Mind and Language, 36/5, pp 729-749 (with A. Dinges).

2020 A Direction Effect on Taste Predicates, Philosophers' Imprint, 20/27, pp 1-22 (with A. Dinges).

2019 Presupposing Counterfactuality, Semantics and Pragmatics, 12, pp 1-23.

2019 Embedded Taste Predicates, Inquiry, 34/2, pp 1-22.

2019 Denial and Retraction: A Challenge for Theories of Taste Predicates, Synthese, 196/4, pp 1555-1573.

2018 The Cancellability Test for Conversational Implicatures, Philosophy Compass, 93/3, e12552.

2017 Jesus loves you!, Philosophical Studies, 174/1, pp 237-255.

2017 Biscuit Conditionals and Prohibited 'then', Thought, 6/2, pp 84-92.


forthcoming Review of Jennifer Saul's 'Dogwhistles and Figleaves. How Manipulative Language Spreads Racism and Falsehood', Mind.


2019 Faultless Disagreement. A Defense of Contextualism in the Realm of Personal Taste, Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main.
Book symposion in Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung:
Précis (J. Zakkou)
Comments by Christian Nimtz
Comments by Dirk Kindermann
Replies (J. Zakkou)

Edited Volumes and Special Issues

2022 Perspectives on Taste, Routledge, London (with J. Wyatt and D. Zeman)
2022 Semantic Variability, Special Issue of Inquiry (with A. Dinges and E. Stei)


2021 Grenzen der Toleranz, Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 75(3), 467-471.

Drafts (available on request)

Epistemic Luminosity, Factives, and Anti-Factives (with Alexander Dinges)
KK, or Epistemic Luminosity, is the thesis that knowledge is transparent. While unpopular for quite some time, KK has lately had a comeback. Most of the discussion aims to defuse anti KK arguments concerning inexact knowledge and the norm of assertion. Dorst (2019), however, presents an entirely novel argument for KK. He argues that conditionals of the form `If ~Kp, then p’, such as `If I don’t know that Padua is in Italy, it’s in Italy’, are strange and that KK can explain why. In this paper, we argue that this explanation fails. If we accept it, we cannot explain why seemingly similar conditionals of the form `If ~FBp, then ~p’, such as `If I don’t falsely believe that Padua is in France, it’s not in France’, are strange as well. Along the way, we offer further support for a relevance based account of the strangeness of both types of conditionals.

Power Collapse
What distinguishes things that are endowed with agency from those that lack it? Some scholars in the Aristotelian tradition suggest a distinction in terms of two kinds of powers: agents have both one-way and two-way powers; non-agents, by contrast, have only one-way powers. I call this view Aristotelianism. In this paper, I examine different ways to think of one-way and two-way powers. First, I argue that the conditional analysis faces a problem that resists well-known repair strategies for conditional analyses of dispositions. Second, I argue that a prominent alternative to the conditional account, as well as variations of it, yield a certain form of Megarianism when combined with Aristotelianism: for non-agents, power collapses into actuality---that is, non-agents have the power to do something iff they're doing it. This might not be a knock-down argument against Aristotelianism, but it does seem cause for concern.

Varieties of Biscuit Conditionals
It is commonly assumed that there are at least two kinds of indicative conditionals: hypothetical and biscuit conditionals. It is also assumed that there is no analogous distinction within subjunctive conditionals. Subjunctive conditionals, it is generally agreed, are uniformly read hypothetically. In a recent paper, Swanson argues that this is not true: embedded in the contexts of wants and wishes, at least certain subjunctive conditionals are read in a biscuit-like fashion. In this paper, I shall go beyond Swanson's claim. I shall argue that there are indicative biscuit conditionals of four different kinds and that subjunctive versions of all of them can be read as biscuit conditionals, even outside the contexts of wants and wishes.